
Eric Leif Davin, Ph.D., is a prize-winning historian, journalist, and fiction writer. As a specialist in labor history and popular culture he is the author of "Crucible of Freedom: Workers' Democracy in the Industrial Heartland" (Lexington Books, 2010) and "Radicals in Power: The New Left Experience in Office” (Lexington Books, 2012). He is also the author of "Pioneers of Wonder: Conversations with the Founders of Science Fiction" (Prometheus Books, 1999) and "Partners in Wonder: Women and the Birth of Science Fiction, 1926-1960" ( Lexington Books, 2006).
His short stories have appeared in such anthologies as Jerry Pournelle’s "Far Frontiers" (Baen Books), "The Fantastic Civil War" (Baen Books), and Mike Resnick’s "Galaxy’s Edge," among many other venues. His story, "Icarus at Noon," appeared in "The Year's Best Military SF and Space Opera" (Baen Books), June, 2015. His story, "Twilight on Olympus," appeared in "The Year's Best Military and Adventure Science Fiction" (Baen Books), June, 2016. He is also a two time winner in the Parsec short story contest, including First Place the first year of the contest.
- University of Pittsburgh, History: Ph.D., 1999.
- University of Pittsburgh, History: M.A., 1989.
- Harvard University Graduate School of Education, M. Ed. program: 1972-'73.
- Arizona State University, 1967-’69.
- Phoenix Community College: A.A., 1967.
Lecturer, History Department, University of Pittsburgh, 1993-'95, 1999-2020.
Lecturer, History Department, Community College of Allegheny County (PA), 2004.
Lecturer, Humanities Department, Carlow University, 1992.
Instructor, History Department, University of Pittsburgh, 1991.
Teaching Fellow, History Department, University of Pittsburgh, 1989-'91.
Teaching Assistant, History Department, University of Pittsburgh, 1987-'89.
Instructor, English Department, University of Pittsburgh, 1980-'81.
- Faculty Honor Roll, 2002: Student Government Award for Excellence in Teaching, University of Pittsburgh.
- Lillian B. Lawler Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, 1994-'95: University of Pittsburgh.
- Dean's Scholarship, 1993: University of Pittsburgh.
- Andrew W. Mellon Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, 1991-'93: University of Pittsburgh.
- Academic Scholarship, 1972-'73: Harvard University, Graduate School of Education.
- Drama Fellowship, 1969: Harvard University.
Sole historical consultant for American Literature of the Working Classes, Nicholas J. Coles and Janet Zandy, Eds., Oxford University Press: NY, 2006.
Sole historical consultant for USA Twenties, six volume encyclopedia, Grolier Books, 2004.
Series won the Distinguished Achievement Award for Traditional Reference presented by the Association of Educational Publishers, 2005.
Historical consultant for Depression USA, six volume encyclopedia, Grolier Books, 2000.
• Researcher, American Social History & Social Movements, Pittsburgh, 1996-2000.
• Host/Editor/Producer, The Weekly Reader News Magazine, WYEP-FM, Pittsburgh, 1980-'85.
• Managing Editor, Civil Liberties Record, American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, 1979-'87.
• City Times, Pittsburgh, 1980-'81.
• The Pittsburgh New Sun, Pittsburgh East, 1979-'80.
• Home Design Writer, The Boston Herald-American, 1978-'79.
• Managing Editor, The Docket, Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, 1977-'78.
• Centerpeace, Education Action Fund, Boston, 1971-'73. Founded by author Jonathan Kozol, the Fund helped finance "alternative" schools nationwide.
• Park Ranger, Historian, U.S. National Park Service, Wupatki National Monument, Northern Arizona prehistoric Indian ruin, 1968.
Plaintiff, "Eric Davin vs. U. S. Dept. of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation," 1998.
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania expanded right of public access to information under Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by ruling that passage of time and public interest diminishes FBI's reliance on FOIA's "privacy" exemption.
Appellant,"Eric Davin vs. U. S. Dept. of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation," 1995.
Won landmark unanimous ruling from U.S. Court of Appeals for Third Circuit expanding law on Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Ruling held that FOIA exemptions do not cover information obtained from political investigations. Most liberal and far-reaching FOIA decision anywhere,"The Davin Rule" stands as controlling law in the Third Circuit & influential precedent elsewhere.
Two video Interviews with Eric Leif Davin:
Two video Interviews with Eric Leif Davin:
Concerning the History of WYEP-FM
Concerning the History of WYEP-FM
Making of the Leona Documentary
Making of the Leona Documentary